Welcome to the homepage of CITO!
The Chalmers International Taiwan Office (CITO) is one of a kind. In 2003 Chalmers University of Technology gave a group of students the opportunity to start up an office at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) in Taiwan. CITO enables Chalmers and their students to position themselves in East Asia, a region which has undergone an amazing economic and social development during the last decades.

Our Work

Asia Magazine
CITO collects travel stories from Chalmers Students in all of Asia, and publish these in Asia Magazine.

Company Relations
Representing Chalmers, we visit various companies office’s all around Asia, with a focus on Swedish companies.

Student Events
We host events frequently throughout the year, bringing Chalmers and the best of Swedish culture to the hands of Taiwanese Students.
Contact us
Our office is located at the 3rd floor in Dining Hall 2 of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Opening hours are Wednesdays 15:30-18:00! Feel free to drop by during those hours to ask us any questions or just socialize. If you are not geographically positioned to visit the office, or just too busy, you can contact us through our instagram, through email, or through the contact form below.